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10 Skills Typically Taught In A Life Skills Class

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The term "life skills" is pretty broad, if you think about it. You probably use hundreds of skills in your daily life! With this being the case, you may be unsure of what your child may learn in a life skills class. Surely, they will not learn each and every skill they are ever called upon to utilize in adult life. However, they will learn a lot. Most life skills classes focus on 10 basic skills. 

Budgeting: Students will learn how to create a budget, both to track where their money goes and to plan how they'll spend their money.

Taxes: Students will learn what taxes are, the various ways taxes are levied, and the basics of how to file taxes. Expect them to learn about credits and deductions.

Insurance: In a life skills class, it is typical for students to learn what insurance is, why it's important, and the kinds of insurance they should responsibly carry. They'll learn terms like "deductible" and "rider."

Paying Bills: From how to write a check to how to safely pay bills online, the concept of paying bills is an important one for students since everyone has to do it.

Communication: Beyond simply talking and writing, students in life skills classes will learn how to send professional emails, how to write formal letters, and how to politely engage in conversation.

Writing Resumes: Resume writing is an important skill for anyone preparing to enter the workforce, and students will learn to write resumes in a life skills class.

Interviewing: Interviewing does not come naturally to most people. A life skills class will teach students some basic dos and don'ts for interviews. 

Cooking: White a life skills class won't teach anyone the nuances of being a skilled chef, students will usually learn the basics, like how to follow recipes, use measuring cups, and use food thermometers.

Basic Nutrition: Again, a life skills class won't be an in-depth study of nutritional science, but you can expect students to learn about the basic nutrients, the key food groups, and how to plan a balanced menu.

Basic Repairs: In most life skills classes, students will learn how to use a hammer and a screwdriver to make very basic repairs, hang pictures, and the like.

Every life skills class is a bit different, but if you find a class that includes the 10 skills above, you're on the right track. Contact a resource that offers life skills classes near you to learn more.
